Coming of age ceremony, graduation, wedding, how to choose first suit in your life?

There are many first things in life, such as first coming-of-age ceremony, first graduation ceremony, first interview, first marriage proposal, etc., you need to prepare a decent costume. So, what color to choose for your first suit in your life so as not to step on thunder?

Coming of age ceremony, graduation, wedding, how to choose first suit in your life?

I find that when many friends choose their first suit, they subconsciously think that black should be whitest and most stable, but that's not case. A black suit will look too dull, and a gray one will look too mature. SUITISM recommends blue as best choice for a first suit based on years of wearing a suit.

Coming of age ceremony, graduation, wedding, how to choose first suit in your life?

With popularity of suits, black suits have become a very popular color. In terms of color, blue is more intelligent, blue is a little brighter than black, and it is more active and fashionable. Whether you're heading to a ceremony or heading to work, you can't go wrong with blue.

Coming of age ceremony, graduation, wedding, how to choose first suit in your life?
Suit personalization in Chengdu SUITISM

This is first time in my life I've spent money on a tailored suit. This costume should be very practical, attractive and timeless. If you want a more practical suit that can be used for any occasion, just opt ​​for a single-breasted suit! Double-breasted ones are more suitable for banquet events, and single-breasted ones are basically not suitable for special occasions, a fitted cut can make figure quite wide and stylish.

Coming of age ceremony, graduation, wedding, how to choose first suit in your life?

A blue single-breasted suit is just as formal as a black suit, and it won't be out of date even after ten years.