50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Grey POLO shirts are most likely color in a men's wardrobe. They are suitable for work and leisure, but we have a lot of misconceptions about gray, which leads to the following combinations of gray. Effect

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

50%People's choice of gray may not suit them, let alone pair it with a sense of luxury, so what 100% gray suits every man What? Let's reveal true colors of this uncompromising gray today.

Main content of this article:

1: What does a gray color look like that doesn't select people?

2: Why doesn't this gray color choose people?

3. How to combine gray at work and in your free time to look advanced?

1: What does gray look like that doesn't pick people up? 50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

From left to right in picture above:

Ice gray-light gray-medium gray-charcoal gray.

The first three grays are for people to select. Some people fit and some don't. I will share in next article. If you are interested, please pay attention first.

The last charcoal gray is a really uncompromising gray color, i.e. a dark gray that is close to black.

2: Why doesn't this gray color choose people?

First of all, we need to understand concept called tone, what is tone, what does it have to do with gray and phrase?

Hue is general trend that characterizes a color. ( still don't get it!)

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

For example: every color in familiar Morandi color system (be it red, green, blue, beige, white, coffee) tends to be soft and elegant, as if covered with a layer of gray. Each color has a characteristic that is a characteristic of a soft tone.

Because of uniform tone any two colors of Morandi color system can theoretically be combined with each other, natural and harmonious. Extended .

Output. Unity of tone essentially solves problem of color matching.

Tone has a total of 6 characteristics, namely:

Dark tones

Light tone features

Natural tonal characteristics

Features of soft tones

Features of warm colors

Cool tone features

(Strictly speaking, there are 12 types, and main concepts will be popularized first)

Because colors have tints, the whole face of a person also has tints, meaning that a person's face also has 6 color characteristics. As long as you wear same shade, effect will be same Harmony, Now you see why you need to understand concept of shade!

For example: Ning Zetao, who has pure tone characteristics, will coordinate when wearing a color with pure tone characteristics, which will improve skin tone and show people's temperament.

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Let's go back to charcoal gray. Why don't you choose people? This is because it matches all 6 basic tonal characteristics.

By way, you only need to know principle that charcoal doesn't pick people. As for why it fits all tonal characteristics, it includes more concepts. I will share this separately in future articles. If you are interested, please pay attention first.

3. How to combine charcoal gray at work and at play to look trendy

The basic principle of color matching analysis in previous section is requirement for a uniform color tone. We use 6 primary color characteristics to combine two main use cases: work and leisure, and map different schemes for each color characteristic. .

How do people with dark tones wear charcoal gray?

Workplace location:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

The combination of dark tones should usually emphasize strong intensity. So it pairs with navy blue trousers, burgundy leather shoes, a dark red belt, and watch echoes trousers. The general shape is a thick tone, very advanced for people with swarthy features. It will look too heavy and old-fashioned if there is no dark color.

Single color matching is not only about matching clothes, trousers and shoes, but also matching with people.

This is why we usually see a well-fitted suit at mall that doesn't match our bodies because color tone is uneven.

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50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Casual wearalso must comply with basic and strict rules: dark red trousers, dark brown sandals, of course, belts and watches.

How do people with fair features wear charcoal gray?

Workplace location:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

The property of light tones to emphasize clarity and fuzziness, but in general should be elegant. If you are not blonde, wearing these tones will be strong> >It looks especially bland, boring and lacking in temperament, and people have no spirit.

Thus, thanks to concept of color matching, everyone can take right place. If you usually wear light and elegant colors and look good, light colors may be your thing.

Random phrase:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

As for light-colored trousers, I wore light blue shorts and shoes of same light color. Of course, clock must also be of same color.

Charcoal gray is a rational and not very energetic color, so for everyday occasions, you can use a few bright colors to enhance overall relaxed atmosphere.

How do people with pure tones wear charcoal gray?

Workplace location:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Pure color tone features should create a crisp and relatively transparent feel, so while matching blue pants aren't particularly crisp, it's because they should emphasize a sense of stability in workplace, while at same time it can be used with socks.Choose same color as shoes and pants, and at same time form a bright spot that is stable yet stylish.

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50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Red pants, red shoes and a charcoal POLO shirt are perfect for casual occasions and also reflect general characteristics of pure tones.

Polos of same color and trousers of different colors have completely different characteristics, so if you want to sort out your own color characteristics, you will have a matching direction.

How do people with soft tones wear charcoal gray?

Workplace location:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

The characteristics of soft tones must be combined to create a soft and elegant taste. Light gray trousers, beige shoes and socks in general create a "advanced gray" element.

Few Chinese have characteristics of soft tones, so although this combination looks advanced, I don't usually recommend it, but we need to know its principle.

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50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Even though it's elegant and soft, it also needs some vitality in everyday occasions, so it's paired with various green hues to create a green layered finish that's soft but not boring.

How do people with warm tones wear charcoal gray?

Workplace location:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

The overall warm tone should have a warm yellow tone. Do you see that trousers, shoes, socks, belts and watches create a warm atmosphere in general?

If you're into warm colors, this combination is highly recommended, especially high end.

If you are not a warm-colored person, such a match will look like a yellowish face, a real "greasy uncle".

Random phrase:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

Orange pants and orange shoes are similar in color scheme. This vibrant color scheme paired with discreet charcoal gray looks sunny and not frivolous.

How do people with cool tones wear charcoal gray?

Workplace location:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

The characteristics of cool tones should create a cold, cold blue understated hue, so if you choose an all blue color, only people with cool tones can support it, especially temperamental ones with a high cool style strong>! The cool color function can be combined not only with blue, but also with other colors if it is a cool color. This is just an example.

If you don't have a cool tone, it will look too blue.

Random phrase:

50% of men choose wrong gray, this gray is not picky but the combination is exquisite

The combination of peacock trousers and blue slippers is very refreshing.

In case above, I assume you have some ideas about color combinations and how people should dress with a sense of luxury. Knowing your own color characteristics is a process. Focus on me first, it'll be faster!

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Related article links: Human Color Characteristics I hope you find them useful.