Comfortable and beautiful shoes are just as important as clothes

#What clothes or stores are suitable for people around age of 50#

Having accumulated life experience over half a century, either choose calm clothes, or live a new life and try different possibilities.

Comfortable and beautiful shoes are just as important as clothes

Taobao Map

Comfortable and beautiful shoes are just as important as clothes

Carmen Del'Orefis, born in 1931

If you have financial means, you can try other styles, ditch traditional dress, and embrace change. You can try on cheongsam, light familiar costumes, and embroidered shoes.

Comfortable and beautiful shoes are just as important as clothes

Shoes with embroidery

Comfortable and beautiful shoes are just as important as clothes

Small high heels

You can become gentle, you can also be more temperamental, even sexy, not limited by age and be attached to other people's eyes.

Comfortable and beautiful shoes are just as important as clothes

Group of model grandmothers, average age 63

It's so old, it's time to live for yourself and try different choices from your past life.