To tidy up corners of mouth, Juan Gogo introduces Japanese face yoga "Brightest Smile", which trains facial muscles. The easier it is to lift corners of your mouth and smile confidently, easier it is to improve your impression on others. With a smile, your beauty and radiance will improve, attracting people and enhancing your surroundings!

In job interviews and important presentations, you meet great people... First impressions matter most when you want to make a good impression with a beautiful smile. The focus is on "eyes" and "mouth". Everyone will be impressed when eyes shine and corners of mouth are turned up. If you can't smile, no matter how much content is accompanied, impression will be negative. If you smile confidently, you will have more room to grow and feel more confident inside.
First impressions are only in last seconds! ? Your smile determines whether you have support and trust of other side. This is an important scene, do you want to smile big? Impress with your “brightest smile” with Facial Yoga!
Raise corners of your mouth. First, let's test ourselves and see the effect.

Let's smile while looking in mirror. First, it's a simple smile test. Can corners of mouth rise cleanly while maintaining a balance between left and right sides? Are your cheeks lifted and your eyes shining?
It is said that most beautiful and perfect smile is when corners of mouth are balanced from side to side and eight front front teeth are visible. When looking in mirror, lift only corners of your mouth and pay attention to muscles that lift corners of your mouth.
If corners of mouth do not rise, but only stretch to sides, then correct muscles are not involved. Once you become aware of muscles lifting corners of your mouth, let your facial muscles remember a beautiful smile in “delicious face” pose!
If you do this several times a day, just 1 minute, within 2 weeks corners of your mouth will gradually rise. Take a picture of your smile before and after your two-week facial yoga and compare. Your smile must be radiant!
Raise corners of your mouth! A simple method for training "Bright Smile" in Face Yoga
After completing class on improving corners of mouth, let's learn yoga "delicious face" to make a beautiful smile. We'll look at 4 poses that show examples of effective mouth angles, so try incorporating facial yoga into your daily smile ritual.
Position 1 for lifting corners of mouth: lifting corners of mouth and smiling
1. Turn your face forward, lift corners of your mouth, expose your eight front teeth and smile. search.

Raise corners of your mouth. Pose 2. Pull tongue up
2. Raise corners of your mouth, stretch your tongue forward and point it up. In image of licking tip of nose, pay attention to tip of tongue.

Raise corners of your mouth. Pose 3. Move your tongue from left to right
3. Slowly move your tongue from left to right, trying not to lower corners of your mouth. The tip of tongue should be directed to lick nose.

Raise corners of your mouth. Pose 4. Move your tongue from right to left
4. Now from right to left. Slowly do 3 walks.

Please note that when performing movements, tongue should not reach lower corner of mouth! Do not close your eyes, keep them wide open and look up.
The following is incorrect:

To make a good impression, you only need to change angle of your mouth by 1 mm! Start your day with Brightest Smile Pose in morning so you can have a great day.
Whether you are working, caring for children or doing housework, if you consciously raise corners of your mouth by 1 mm, reactions of clients, colleagues, children, mothers, friends and family members will change! When you are frustrated and tired, you can forcefully lift corners of your mouth and your mood will improve together. If you continue to smile, reactions around you will also change, and your life will also improve. If you lift corners of your mouth, it will have a big effect.