Why does my face look old? This is actually because as we get older, collagen begins to be lost at age 18, and at age 25 it will accelerate. Combined with external factors such as air pollution, stress and daily life, surface of skin, skin begins to dry and lose elasticity, pores, expression lines become more and more obvious, so in daily life, you must maintain good habits to delay collagen loss. and then use internal supplements and external conditioning to keep skin toned. best condition!

UV ray stimulation not only stimulates proliferation of melanocytes in lower part of skin, but also leads to accelerated skin aging and collagen denaturation, resulting in lines and aging phenomena. So you should put on sunscreen every day you go out and avoid being outdoors when UV rays are strongest, or try to walk in arcades, hold umbrellas and wear SPF hats for shading.

Life is full of visible and invisible sugars such as sugary drinks, jams, soft drinks, candy, cookies, ketchup, ice cream, salad dressings, candied fruit, etc. All of these affect body Glycation End-Products (AGEs), also known as as "glycation reaction", will make collagen from full elasticity brittle and break easily, that is, it will make skin rough, flabby and red, so those who like to eat refined sugar People age quickly!
Way 3 to delay collagen loss: normal work and rest, stay up lateBad lifestyle habits such as smoking, sleeping late and drinking too much alcohol affect collagen synthesis, and repairing effect of collagen is linked to body's biological clock. During day, skin is exposed to various stresses. (ultraviolet rays, air pollution, prolonged exposure to air-conditioned rooms...) needs to be restored, and beauty sleep can help body recover better. It is recommended to sleep 7-9 hours a day. If you don't get enough sleep for a long time, your skin will become drier and fine lines will become more visible.

Protein is a source of materials for synthesis of collagen, so it is indispensable if you want to have beautiful skin. High-quality proteins include fish, chicken, tofu, soy milk, edamame, etc., but you still have to pay for them. pay attention to seasoning and edamame when eating protein. Cooking methods, avoid adding invisible refined sugar, high temperature frying, improper cooking methods can cause collagen loss.
Method 5 to Slow Collagen Loss: With Vitamin CVitamin C is good for body. It is also an important source of collagen synthesis for human body. Sweet peppers and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. Of course, fruits such as guava and kiwi are also rich in vitamin C. Just pay more attention to amount of sugar when eating fruits, try to find foods that are low in sugar and rich in vitamin C.

The main cause of aging pores, fine lines and wrinkles is lack of moisture in skin and its dryness. If skin is constantly in a state of lack of water, it will lose its elasticity and lose collagen, and skin will become loose and inelastic. It is not so moist, just like when you were a child, so not only should you pay attention to “moisturizing” when applying skin care products, but last step of “moisture protection” is also very important, so remember to moisturize your skin every day when lines are not obvious.
#Season of punched cards Autumn Life#