How can a newcomer to workplace smoothly break into interior, while not being too blinding and not so easy to burrow? Often on first day of employment, impression we make on others is very important. The appearance of image gives people a preliminary assessment. If dress is too loud, it will give people some love
How can a newbie in workplace successfully break into an interior without being too dazzling and not easily buried? Often on first day of work, impression we make on others is very important. The appearance of image gives people an initial assessment. If dress is too bright, it will make people feel like they are stealing everyone's attention. If dress is too restrained, and it is easy to come across as weak and ordinary. So, “dressing” is a science, what is best way to dress a newbie in workplace?

First, give up black suit
Do not rush to buy a suit. Eighty percent of newcomers to workplace, in order to match image of business, first set up black to suit themselves. At what age is a black suit no longer best choice for workplace. In modern times, it is more often called a "traveling salesman" and "insurer." Black suits are not considered elite, but tend to drop in price, giving impression of "old-fashioned".

Secondly, fabric is made from natural material
The softer fabric, more prestigious suit will look. Newcomers to workplace are not advised to draw attention to themselves on their first day of employment. When a subordinate is more dazzling than a boss, it often makes people feel uncomfortable. This is a big taboo in workplace. Choose natural and comfortable fabrics for suits, such as cotton, linen, wool blends, etc. A tailored suit creates a natural atmosphere and is a good choice to show a sense of luxury in a low-profile manner.

Third random "combination"
Most newcomers to workplace like to act serious and serious, unless it's a very serious atmosphere, otherwise I suggest trying to combine suits, for example, a black jacket with gray Pants, a combination of a blue jacket with white trousers, etc., change color combination and your suit will become very "casual",

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