Main difference between sneakers and hiking boots:
1. Hiking shoes usually have a low waist.
Because running shoes are designed for walking in some areas with better road conditions and you will have to walk for a long time, protection provided by soles of running shoes is designed to protect your feet and has a very good breathable effect. This is also reason sneakers can be worn as an important reason for city breaks.
2, high-waisted sneakers.
It protects your ankles from sprains on uneven road conditions, and more importantly, hiking boot soles are firmer. Thus, you must change into hiking shoes while hiking, and you cannot use hiking shoes instead, otherwise blisters will form on soles of your feet.
3. The outsole of hiking shoes is typically puncture and puncture resistant, and the midsole is usually made from cushioning materials.
Therefore, hiking shoes are your best choice in rough and muddy road conditions! Therefore, if you have hiking or mountain climbing, you should not be afraid of trouble and should bring hiking and climbing shoes with you.