The real first pair of Kobe's signature adidas kb 8 I sneakers

In 1997-1998 season, Kobe finally introduced his first true pair of signature running shoes, adidas kb 8 I.

The real first pair of Kobe's signature adidas kb 8 I sneakers

Removing reflective material eliminates phenomenon of material breakdown, and patent leather is used to design ADI's three-strip construction. The heel section continues cross-reinforced strap design of previous generations to improve ankle without losing flexibility. The protection and use of Tianzu technology and use of ADIPRENE technology for first time, combined with relatively successful TORSION SYSTEM, make this pair of shoes updated in every aspect, including while weight of all shoes is lighter.

The real first pair of Kobe's signature adidas kb 8 I sneakers

Bryant, who averaged 15.4 points per game during season, faced Jordan in All-Star Game wearing his first signature shoe.