A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

Hi everyone, this is Suit Club.

Every autumn I always think of a magic item,

This is: suit vest.

After beginning of autumn, change in temperature (especially temperature difference between day and night) will gradually become more apparent. The more clothes you wear, hotter and less cold you will feel. Only a vest can save you from bad weather. bad weather at this time. Gentlemen who haven't tried vest yet, next... you might not be able to help but want to "get it"~ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.



▼The vest originated in Europe in 16th century, originally it was a top without a collar and sleeves with slits on both sides of hem, and length reached knee.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼Until end of 18th century, it began to be worn with costumes, and length was gradually reduced to waist.

Subsequently, it became a must-have for high society, and combination with a belt and a bow tie became a classic. Today there are many styles of vests to choose from:

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼Vests can be divided into single-breasted and double-breasted, with and without lapels, according to number of buttons, with narrow shoulders and with wide shoulders.

A lapel collar is more youthful, a lapel collar is more stable, and a shawl collar is more formal and old-fashioned.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

Each shape can express a different feel and texture, as well as a different style and temperament.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

The classic waistcoat usually has 4 to 6 buttons, 2 decorative pockets and a pointed front that can cover a belt, and there are usually adjustable buckles in back to provide a fit around waist.

When choosing a vest, men are advised to pay attention to width of shoulder below shoulder, fit of chest and length of hem.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼Most men might think that there is only one strict way to unbutton a vest:

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

An elaborate three-piece suit with a glittery back, a stylish briefcase and tailored leather shoes is a standard outfit for urban elite, although pairing it with a suit is most effective way to wear it:

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼But in autumn it is more attractive when worn alone.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

Change of seasons

The vest is a classy and classy outfit

▼The so-called "universal white shirt" naturally has its universal reason - it is a classic and conservative choice, and also suitable for semi-formal occasions.

Other shirts (coloured, casual, denim) can also be paired with it to create a different feel.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼The vest and t-shirt combination can be seen everywhere at major fashion weeks. Typical casual style, tough but elegant.

If you have well developed chest muscles, congratulations, you look really MAN!

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.
A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼After arrival of late autumn, vests can also be combined with suits in contrasting materials, such as casual knit sweaters or even cardigan sweaters.

Gives a great upper body effect for most body shapes. '

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

▼Pant pairing is also very simple. In addition to pairing with formal suit trousers, pairing with jeans/slacks is also more common in recent years.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

It immediately makes LOOK jump out of monotonous phrase, and it can still hold its temper even when casually paired with a pair of jeans.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

As with suit, vest is different from other materials.

In summer, you can choose a vest made of cotton and linen, as temperature gradually drops, you can choose a casual vest made of wool or tweed.

This fabric has small spots and variegated colors on inside and will instantly enhance feeling of ease and comfort.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

Vest to body fit

The magic of vest is not only convenient to put on and take off when seasons change, but also has a certain visual effect on body adjustment:

1. Get stronger. The vest is relatively fitted, and structure of chest is structured, which can be mistaken for part of contour of body.

For men with a lean build or narrow shoulders, wearing a vest is a good corrective solution.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

2. Looks thinner. If you have too much meat on your belly, congratulations, you have another sharp tool to cover your beer belly.

Try to cover it with a dark vest so that meat on stomach doesn't feel "flowing down" and slimming effect is still good.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

3. Show proportions. It hides ill-fitting shirts and also emphasizes figure in general.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

4. Muscle exposure. How to show off muscles that have been training for a long time?

Use a vest with a short-sleeved shirt/t-shirt and then you will see more and more pronounced deltoid muscles ready to come out.

A magical outfit with grace and temperature - a vest from a suit.

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