When wearing a suit, most important thing is to use straight lines as beauty. Therefore, many of pockets we see on a suit are actually decorative bags and should not be used for storage. We know that men often take small items with them when they go out, such as business cards, wallets, pens, cigarettes and lighters, etc. If you do not pay attention to details when wearing a suit and constantly put things in your pockets, if it looks bulging, it will definitely destroy beauty of straight line of suit, which will affect overall effect, it will be unattractive. and impolite.
So, how to properly use pockets of each piece?
The pockets of jacket when wearing a suit especially emphasize flat, crisp look, which means the lines are clear and taut. This requires coat pockets to be for decoration only and cannot be used for anything, but fashionable handkerchiefs can be folded when needed.
The inner pocket on left chest of suit can hold a ticket cover (money clip), a small diary or a pen.
The inside pocket on right side holds business cards, cigarettes, lighters, etc.
Pants pockets are same as jacket pockets and can't be filled to make pants look nice. But you can put handkerchiefs, pocket money, etc. in back pocket of your trousers.
It should be noted that it is not advisable to put too many things in pockets and trouser pockets of suit. If you need to transport some essentials, it is also recommended to use a clutch or briefcase, which will not only look clean and tidy, but also prevent suit from deforming.