What styles of business suits will not become obsolete for a long time, are required reading for men in formal clothes

In business, competence and experience are essential to our profession. If you want to enhance image charm of workplace, a business suit is a must.

According to needs of different occasions, choosing right suit will be a great help in our lives. For business suits, temperament to be presented is simple and calm. When choosing a business suit, one must take into account formality of occasion, shape of body and personality of skin color, and the most reliable business suit that is not afraid to step on thunder can only be a tailor-made suit.

What styles of business suits will not become obsolete for a long time, are required reading for men in formal clothes

Here are some recommended business suits for you:

One: blue suit

Calm and classy blue, first impression makes people feel calm and mature. It can be said that blue suits are first choice among business suits. Different levels of blue suits suit people of different positions. Generally, higher position and older age, darker blue suit will be chosen.

What styles of business suits will not become obsolete for a long time, are required reading for men in formal clothes
Chengdu SUITISM Xiushen suit customization

Second: gray suit

Restrained and strict gray suit is a favorite of corporate bosses. Gray suits have a leadership temperament and can control aura. In occasions such as industry exchanges and business meetings, gray suits will also be the best choice.

What styles of business suits will not become obsolete for a long time, are required reading for men in formal clothes
Suit personalization in Chengdu SUITISM

Third: black suit

Compared to suits of the two colors listed above, a black suit will be more calm and serious, it will be suitable for very formal and important business events, such as important business meetings.

What styles of business suits will not become obsolete for a long time, are required reading for men in formal clothes
Chengdu SUITISM Xiushen suit customization

Besides choice of color, styles of business suits are nothing more than single-breasted or double-breasted. The standard is suitable for single-row lapel cutouts, simple and formal.

Business suits are carefully selected and fit well, reflecting main characteristics of business suits. Therefore, it is recommended to tailor a well-fitting business suit. As for how to complete selection, have you learned that?