Today I want to share a green phrase, this green looks very cozy, like a "warm person", but 90% of people use a very ordinary phrase because they do not know this color.
After reading following ideas for coordination, your overall taste for phrases will improve significantly.
If you usually wear this color well, then use its collocation scheme directly, say goodbye to passers-by! This is usual green moss.

Fans who have read my previous article know that color matching is not based on feel, but on scientific logic. Analyze first, then compare.
Highlights of this article:
1. Analyze green moss, study it to control it.
2. How to pick up green moss to get ahead.
1. Analyze green moss, understand it in order to control it.From a psychological level, green moss is between excitement and calm, between brightness and melancholy, it is a moderate color that does not lose vitality and stability.
Emotional levelGreen moss looks quite impressive, calm, gentle and restrained.
These are perceptual levels for green moss analysis. Since I am advertising scientific clothes, I must start at third level: Rational level for analysis.
First of all, we need to understand an important concept of color matching, namely hue. What is the relationship between hue and moss color matching? Look at this for a minute and you'll understand.

Example: each color in above Morandi color system tends to be soft and elegant, as if it were covered with a layer of gray, and each of its colors has a softness characteristic that we described by tone, it is a soft tone .
Because of uniformity of tone, any two colors of Morandi color system can theoretically be combined with each other, naturally harmonious and of high quality.

Another example, green POLO shirt in picture above has characteristics of Morandi, color, so it is very convenient to pair it with equally soft and warm khaki color. Likewise, shoes, socks and watches are also soft and warm, don’t they look harmonious on whole? This is power of tone.
Output. Hue is basis for solving problem of color matching, and unity of tones is main principle of color matching.
Soft tone is a kind of color characteristic. There are 6 basic tones in color characteristic, namely: dark tone, light tone, pure tone, soft tone, warm tone and cool tone.
A more professional division is 12 colors, namely:
Deep warm tone, deep cool tone
Light warm tone, light cold tone
Pure warm tone, pure cool tone
Soft warm tone, soft cold tone
Warm soft tone, warm bright tone
Cool bright tone, cool soft tone
Now we understand that in order to combine green moss well, we must first understand what color green moss is?
Through rational analysis of green moss, green moss not only has a soft and warm tone, but also has a warm soft tone, warm bright tone, a total of 3 tones.
Here you only need to know shade of green moss. As for reason, it includes more concepts. I will share it separately later. If you are interested, please pay attention first.
For any color to be harmonious and aesthetically pleasing with moss green, it must match shade of moss green (any of three shades).
I think you now have some idea about color matching, let's test theory with matching.
2. How to combine green moss to look trendyLet's take moss green polo shirt above as an example. The principles of other styles are same.
How to combine warm and soft green moss:

First of all, everyone has a concept of warm and soft tones. Emphasis on warm and soft tones.
Put it on with this pair of snow white trousers (white should not be too bright), white color of shoes is not so pure white, orange top is also more elegant, not too bright, watch dot is matte rose gold. Everything creates a warm and soft feature that makes warm and soft men look elegant and youthful when worn, especially making skin translucent.
Of course, a soft and warm tone given by such a phrase is also possible, and a soft and warm style should emphasize softness and elegance.

If I change white pants to pure white, shoes are also pure white and green, socks are same color as shoes, and watch is changed to a cold color watch, our eyes will unconsciously look at lower body Take a look because color characteristics of pants, socks and shoes are too bright and moss green is too soft, it looks fragmented and has no sense of atmosphere. This is because tones are not uniform.

Demonstration of wrong combination proves once again that unity of tone is main principle of color matching.

Last time we talked about combination of charcoal gray. Compared to beige combination above, charcoal gray combination is more restrained and stable. The color of shoes matches color of trousers, socks match jacket, and watch opts for a calmer brown.
Objectively, unity of color tone forms an aesthetic sensation, and subjectively creates a stable and discreet feeling of satisfaction of personal needs.

If you want to look more fashionable and youthful, you can choose a pair of purple trousers. The color of shoes and socks is same as top and trousers. The overall look has changed and is bold, but doesn't look gaudy, reason is color tone is unified! This set is also suitable for soft and warm tones.
From phrases above, if you usually wear a particularly bright color scheme, you may be a warm and gentle person. Be sure to follow me to learn more about warm and soft tones.
How to combine warm and bright green moss:

After understanding characteristics of warm and soft tones, what is difference between warm and bright tones? It is relatively brighter in warm color background, so some adjustments to details need to be made in terms of matching.
So I chose a pair of more translucent light yellow pants. Shoes and socks were bright yellow. Strong>sunny atmosphere, men in warm and bright colors will have a special spirit.
Unless you're a person with warm and bright tones, wearing this color combination will make your face look yellow and heavy, which is a true "Greasy Uncle".

Transparent white paired with orange casual shoes and socks, details are very important, if it is pure white socks, they will lose integrity and look cheap, do you like this combination?
Output. To match moss green well, you must first understand shade of moss green, and matching colors according to tone characteristics is basic principle of color matching.
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I'm a Personal Image Consultant working in industry for 13 years and I can't match feel of him! Follow me! Color matching starts with understanding the hue.