I bought a pair of leather boots at a high price, and after wearing them for a day, I found that socks were stained. Is shoe quality bad?
Sometimes we come across customers who say that shoes are black after wearing yellow socks, ask for a refund, and some even threaten with bad reviews.

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It's actually normal for leather shoes to fade, especially inner leather. Fading is not a shoe quality issue. No matter how expensive genuine leather shoes you buy, color will fade, so in many cases we advise customers to wear dark socks when wearing leather shoes.
Why does inside of leather shoes tarnish?The inner dermis is usually selected from first layer of animal skin and pores are naturally present. So shoes will be dip dyed/repainted to look good. When you wear a pair of light-colored socks, of course, you cannot prevent socks from being dyed.

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But some people ask why some leather shoes don't shed on inside?
This is because some leather shoes are made from synthetic leather, which is breathable, doesn't absorb sweat, and of course won't fade. After leather is dyed, it absorbs sweat through sweat and fades naturally.
In fact, if you have any doubts, you can also buy several pairs of leather shoes at different prices for comparison purposes. Try it yourself, there is a significant difference between genuine leather shoes and synthetic leather shoes.

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How to avoid shedding inside?It's hard to keep color from fading on new shoes, so dark socks can be worn first so that fading isn't too noticeable.
For shoes that have been worn for a period of time, it is best to keep inside and outside of leather shoes dry to prevent them from getting wet.
If color of inside of shoe is very faded, you can slowly wipe it with a damp paper towel, wait until color becomes so dark, and then place it in a ventilated place to dry so that color fading will be softened next time.

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If your feet are prone to sweating, you can wear several pairs of shoes and then remember to air them out after wearing. Wear it this way several times, fading will not be so obvious, and it can also increase life of shoe and prevent mold and wear inside the shoe.
Thank you for reading. Viplander, an independent men's footwear brand, specializes in research into washed and aged leather footwear. If you like it, you can pay attention to it.