For comfort and durability, many people choose to buy a high-priced pair of genuine leather shoes. But it is one thing to choose: if you want your leather shoes to look like new for a long time, it is very important to pay attention to cleaning and care as well.

To ensure durability of leather shoes, avoid wearing leather shoes on rainy days. If leather shoes get wet from water, use a dry cotton cloth or paper towel to absorb water into upper and clean upper in time, then place it in a cool and ventilated place to air dry. Genuine leather will be more fragile than normal after getting wet/exposed to sun, please avoid moisture and light in daily storage.

Genuine leather itself has a certain degree of strength, and after prolonged wear, it is easy to stretch. To keep your leather as healthy as new, you need to give your leather shoes regular rest and care. When maintenance, you must first clean upper, wipe surface evenly with shoe polish, leave for five minutes, and then use shoe polishing cloth to polish upper.

For freshly bought leather shoes, it is best to wear dark socks. The skin inside many genuine leather shoes is taken from first layer of animal skin, which has natural pores. The inner leather of shoe after dip-dye/re-dye process is prone to fading in humid/stuffy environments. This is a normal phenomenon inside skin, nothing to worry about, it will improve after you wear it several times.