Color refers to color, here refers to color combination of sports shoes. Compared to leather shoes, color of sports shoes is very rich and bold. High purity colors can often be seen in sports shoes, which are rarely seen in leather shoe designs. As for color itself, pure, high-contrast colors will bring people a sense of joy, excitement or dynamism. This feature is consistent with performance of sports shoes, so color selection of sports shoes is mainly based on this. It is a matter of course.
Color is an important element of product design that makes strongest and most direct visual impression on people. In face of many types of sports shoes, first thing we see is its color, a good color will grab our attention, which is incomparable with other uniform design elements. To understand color design in form of sports shoes, you must first clarify elements of color and rules for matching color by color.
Any color should include three factors of hue, clarity, and lightness, which are "three elements" of color. When matching color of sports shoes, change and contrast of hue are first things we consider, and then combined with change in contrast of lightness, change and contrast of purity, finally make color match more reasonable and accurate. When choosing colors, one should also take into account issues such as psychological feeling of color and color taboos. It is essential that selected color and combination of colors match structure and functional characteristics of sports shoe.