With rising standard of living, more and more people begin to pay attention to foot health and choice of shoes, so healthy shoes are gradually entering our field of vision and becoming our hot topic.
What are healthy shoes? How is it different from regular shoes?

Healthy shoes help to solve problems with shape of feet. Some scientists have conducted a comparative study of distribution of plantar pressure and found that position of heel is most loaded part of sole, and midfoot and toes are almost not loaded when standing, but load increases significantly when walking.
For this reason, fitness shoes should have arch support and a stiffer back.
Among them, electrical energy of arch support helps to support arch of foot and distribute pressure on soles of feet to relieve foot fatigue while walking. The reason why heel cup is hardened is to effectively stabilize heel bone so that it is not easy to dislocate foot. The reinforced heel cup can support ankle joint and allow heel bone to grow vertically.
For people with flat feet, arch-supporting electrical energy of healthy shoes restores abnormal joint alignment to normal alignment, restores direction and efficiency of muscle activity to normal, reduces stretching of plantar fascia, and reduces occurrence of fasciitis. It can also restore spring function of arch of foot.
Pushing body and hardened heel cup of knee while walking can straighten an everted heel, stabilize heel bone, and prevent sprains.
With proper exercise and proper healthy footwear, this will gradually loosen with age and have a chance to become normal.